detik-detik lorenzo jatuh di assen nlosor pake bahu [ video dan screenshoot ]


siang gan, maaf telat, mau ke warnet lah panas terik sekarang 😀 tapi di warnet ademmm 😀 tapi koq tumben nih buka pesbuk ga bisa bisa 🙁

kemaren malam waktu sini, jorge lorenzo sedang menjalani latihan bebas 2 ( FP2 ), namun pas keluar tiikungan gas polll mau straight, eh ban belakang ngesoootseperti kehilanagan grip di aspal basah, dan terjadilah, ndlosor saudara saudara, monggo disimak detik demi detik, bikin ngilu

foto screenshoot baru di up , buanyak

1. keluar tikungan

jorge lorenzo crash 1

2. ada straight, gas pollll

jorge lorenzo crash 2


3. mau belok ke kanan dikit,

jorge lorenzo crash 3

4. tiba tibaa ban belakang slip

jorge lorenzo crash 4

5. tiba tiba motor oleng goyang goyang tag terkendali

jorge lorenzo crash 5

6. goyang

jorge lorenzo crash 6jorge lorenzo crash 7jorge lorenzo crash 8


jorge lorenzo crash 9

7. tahu tahu lorenzo dan m1 nya  melayang

jorge lorenzo crash 10

8. setelah terbang bentar trus landing keras bareng

jorge lorenzo crash 11

9. bahu kiri lorenzo duluan dan nldosorrrr panjangggjorge lorenzo crash 12jorge lorenzo crash 13

10. nldosor sampe rerumputan

jorge lorenzo crash 14

11. crewnya menyaksikan live hingga mringis, simpati

lorenzo team

12. direrumputan

jorge lorenzo crash 15

12. lorenzo terbangun

jorge lorenzo crash 16

13. seperti nothing happen

jorge lorenzo crash 17

14. biasa saja, bangun

jorge lorenzo crash 18

15. tiba tiba merintih

jorge lorenzo crash 19

16. kesakitan

jorge lorenzo crash 20

17. lah tahu sakit malah adegan gini

jorge lorenzo crash 21

kepalkan tangan, angkat

18. lepaskan tiba tiba

jorge lorenzo crash 22

19. ngilu, terbayang sakitnya 🙁

jorge lorenzo crash 23

20. ane aja ngeri bayangkenya

jorge lorenzo crash 24

21. lorenzo jalan kaki sambil memegang lengannya

jorge lorenzo crash 25

22. menunduk tanda kesakitan

jorge lorenzo crash 26

23. kelelahan, plus sakitnya

jorge lorenzo crash 27

23. galau sambil nunggu tim medis datang, ditengah hujan

jorge lorenzo crash galau 16


lah udahan, tiba2 ada marquez,


gimana kabar lorenzo sekarang

Operasi Lancar, Lorenzo Masih Tunggu Pemeriksaan Lanjutan


Lorenzo had sustained the injury when he crashed in Free Practice nr. 2 for the Dutch Grand Prix at Assen on Friday afternoon.

He was operated on by Dr. Joaquin Rodriguez of the Hospital General de Catalunya, assisted by Dr. Ana Carreras, Dr. Marcos Cots and Dr. Michele Zasa of the Clinica Mobile.

Dr. Zasa made the following statement following the two hours operation:

"The duration of the surgery was approximately two hours; the clinical course of post-operative has been regular. Jorge sustained a displaced, complex fracture to the third medial of the left collarbone. It’s been a challenging operation, apparently successful. We inserted a titanium plate and eight screws to secure the fragments of the collarbone. Jorge has just woken up from the anesthesia. In the next few hours we will evaluate the progress of the patient and then we will be able to estimate how long the post-surgery rehabilitation will take."

Team Manager Wilco Zeelenberg commented:

"Following the medical check at the Circuit’s Medical Centre first and at the Assen Hospital later, yesterday Jorge decided to be operated as soon as possible. Unfortunately no operation room was available in Assen due to some other very urgent life threatening operations that had much higher priority than Jorge’s collarbone and therefore we flew to Barcelona, where a surgery room was made available at the Hospital General de Catalunya. The surgery, that started at 2.00am and finished at 4.00am has had good results and now Jorge is sleeping, exhausted from such a long and tough day. We have to wait till he wakes up before making any further evaluation of Jorge’s physical conditions and how long his recovery will take".

bentar bentar

Dr. Zesa menjelaskan pasca operasi yang memakan waktu selama dua jam itu, “Durasi operasi sekitar dua jam. Jorge menderita pergeseran tulang, beberapa patahan medial tulang selangka ketiga. Ini operasi yang menantang, dan sukses. Kami mesukkan plat titanium  dan delapan baut untuk mengikat patahan tulangnya. Jorge baru saja bangun dari efek obat bius. Dalam beberapa jam  ke depan kami akan mengevaluasi kemajuan pasien dan kemudia kami akan bisa memperkirakan berapa lama rehabulitasi setelah operasi.”

^ ditranslete gil

amotor :D’



semoga berguna, kecelakaan model balap gini sangat mungkin teradi di jalan raya, so, berhati hatilah, keluarga menunggu dirumah

berita akan HOHE





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  1. NGILU saat liat skrinshut angkat tangan, kepal, lepas tiba2….hiiiiiiii
    ya klo kemeng biasa sih gpp angkat tangn kepal, lepas tiba2, kemeng ilang.
    lah nih selangkax patah di gituin wuiihhhhhhhhhhhh…………g kebayang sakitx…

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