Beredar Foto Rontgen Marc Marquez Patah Tulang Lengan Humerus X-Ray, Terhantam Ban Depan


., salam, Beredar Foto Rontgen Marc Marquez Patah Tulang Lengan Humerus X-Ray, Terhantam Ban Depan

Lengan Marc Marquez Terhantam Ban depan Honda RC213V MotoGP Jerez 2020

Beberapa waktu lalu beredar hasil X-ray alias Rontgen tulang lengan kanan Marc marquez ussai terhantam roda depan Honda RC213V Saat High Side Crash, saya melihatnya sampai merinding..

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Beredar Foto Rontgen Marc Marquez Patah Tulang Humerus

Beredar Foto Rontgen Marc Marquez Patah Tulang Lengan Humerus X-Ray
Beredar Foto Rontgen Marc Marquez Patah Tulang Lengan Humerus X-Ray

nampak jelas bukan, tulang lengan / humerus marc marquez tepatnya di sisi kanan mengalami patah  dan pergeseran seperti info sebelumnya, mungkin dengan teknologi tinggi serta kemampuan fisik atlet, proses penyembuhannya akan lebih cepat.

Info dari seperti ini

After producing a miracle save at Turn 4 and then staging an unbelievable comeback to P3, Marquez suffered a vicious highside with four laps of the race to go. The eight-time World Champion was immediately taken to the medical centre and it was later confirmed by MotoGP™ Traumatology Specialist Dr Mir that he’d suffered a fractured humerus in the crash.

“Marc Marquez has suffered an injury, it seems, from a direct impact of the tyre to the right arm, resulting in a fracture to the shaft of the humerus, a complete fracture although it isn’t completely displaced, with some possible paralysis of the radial nerve, although we’re not certain. This injury has been immobilised here for when they decide to move him to Barcelona to carry out a definitive treatment.

MotoGP™ Medical Director Dr Charte also offered information on Marc Marquez: “Tomorrow Dr Mir will leave for Barcelona to proceed with treatment, if there is no more news regarding the tissue, to surgically treat the humerus. That being said, we can’t say in any absolute terms if he will be at the next race or Brno or Austria. It’s not the moment, we’ll talk about it next week.”

Cepat sembuh, proses operasi sendiri hari selasa esok om, sementara itu Balapan seri 2 MotoGP berlangsung 24-26 Juli 2020 ini, Bisakah Marc marquez kembali bertanding? wis kita tunggu saja infonya..


Mohon maaf kalau tulisan belepotan dan tidak jelas maksudnya, saya mohon masukannya. semoga berguna ya om.. salam @ipanaseyoutube pertamax7

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  1. Cepat sembuh marc….dr dulu gue nge fans sm lo,tp sebel gr2sepang class…biar giman a juga lo pembalap ada lo ga rame

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