Brand Respiro jadi Official Pit Crew Uniform partner of the Federal Oil Gresini Moto2 Team

328, keren nih om, Merk Indonesia nambah lagi yang jadi partner gelaran balap dunia,,, ada Brand Respiro jadi Official Pit Crew Uniform partner of the Federal Oil Gresini Moto2 Team

sam lowes Federal Oil Gresini Moto2
sam lowes Federal Oil Gresini Moto2

yaps, brand jacket biker yang dikenal tahan angin dan ada juga tahan air ini kini menjadi technical suppliers moto2 tim Federal Oil Gresini Moto2 , keren

sudah resmi om,, cakep

Brand Respiro jadi Official Pit Crew Uniform partner of the Federal Oil Gresini Moto2 Team
Brand Respiro jadi Official Pit Crew Uniform partner of the Federal Oil Gresini Moto2 Team
daftar sponsor Federal Oil Gresini Moto2
sponsor Federal Oil Gresini Moto2

federal oil, aspira, suryanation ( kalau tidak salah ini merk rokok yak? cmiiw ) dan respiro ,, wow Brand Indonesia di moto2

RESPIRO begin its existence in 2008 in Bandung, West Java. Starting from sharing and discussion by two young people who have a same passion in innovation of jacket, then it realized through PT. SINERGI MITRA UTAMA who pioneered by developing and producing waterproof and windproof jacket for some overseas brands and well-known outdoor brands in Indonesia. Inspired by many motorcyclists in Indonesia, RESPIRO’s product development begins with studying the climate, the characteristics and the movement of motorcyclists. And each design of products will be tested first to ensure that RESPIRO products fulfill the requirement of safety, comfort and ergonomics of the user. This is the reason of PT SINERGI MITRA UTAMA to provide bikers apparel from head to toe that fulfill the needs of safety and comfort. “Fashion meets function” is the idea behind RESPIRO products. RESPIRO began the development of its products for motorcyclist apparel in 2010. Then, starting in 2012, RESPIRO also applied to Bicycle apparel. Both of these areas will be the core business of RESPIRO in the future. In the beginning of 2014, to meet the expectations of customer and to answer the challenges of the modern retail in motorcycle and bicycle apparel business, RESPIRO transformed to PT SINERGI VENTURA PRATAMA as an integrated company which concern in safety aspects and lifestyle. And now, as a first and leading motorcycle apparel brand in Indonesia, Respiro is joining hands with GRESINI RACING through FEDERAL OIL GRESINI MOTO 2 Team as “Official Pit Crew Uniform partner of the Federal Oil Gresini Moto2 Team” and have a right to sell “Gresini Racing Official Licensed Product” as the answer for Indonesian citizen’s wishes, especially them the Moto GP enthusiast to witness Indonesian original product being used by world class Moto GP practitioners.

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juragan lagi pose bareng all new honda CB150R streetfire special edition raptor black

jadi Duo Jawa Timur di Moto2?

lho kok duo? yaps,, Federal Oil adalah bagian dari MPM alias lebih banyak dikenal sebagai distributor motor honda di Area Jawa Timur( Honda Jatim ) ,, sedangkan merk Respiro dimiliki pengusaha muda dan sukses asal Madiun Jawa Timur, mas Arif namanya.. mantabhh

last, ada pemirsa yang pakai respiro?

semoga berguna


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  1. Nglindoer koen pan.. Federal oil itu punya federal tbk.. Mpm akuisisi finance federal/fif..
    Kalo boleh bilang, mpm jga distributor nissan&datsun dijatim..????

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