Kenalan Dengan Bel Bel Zero-Scooter, Skuter Listrik Mirip Vespa Berbasis NineBot AutoBalancer Harga Rp.87,7 Jutaan


Kenalan Dengan Bel Bel Zero-Scooter, yuk yuk Kenalan Dengan Bel & Bel Zero-Scooter, Skuter Listrik Berbasis NineBot AutoBalancer Harga Rp.87,7 Jutaan

Testride Bel & Bel Zero-Scooter

Salam Scooter Mania.

yaps, sudah lama memang, sudah pertamax7 infokan di instagram.. namun baru kali ini bisa di ketik di blog .. buatan Bel and Bel ( bel & bel ) dengan situs belybel … dari Barcelona … produk diatas namanya Bel & Bel Zero-Scooter, dalam judul sudah ditulis skuter listrik.. ho oh.. ini adalah “stand-on gyro-balanced scooter” dan “First Autobalance Scooter” bertenaga listrik

Kenalan Dengan Bel Bel Zero-Scooter

 Skuter Listrik Mirip Vespa nya Piaggio ini ternyata Berbasis NineBot yang sudah kondang bikin kendaraan elektrik yang rodanya 1 maupun 2 kanan kiri .. pakai sensor gyro untuk keseimbangan pengendara. nggak usah banyak cerita nih Bel & Bel Zero-Scooter, Skuter Listrik Mirip Vespa Berbasis NineBot

Bel & Bel Zero-Scooter
Bel & Bel Zero-Scooter
Bel & Bel Zero-Scooter
Bel & Bel Zero-Scooter
Bel & Bel Zero-Scooter

Bel & Bel Zero-Scooter

Standrat Bel & Bel Zero-Scooter 8
Standrat Bel & Bel Zero-Scooter
tampak depan kiri Bel & Bel Zero-Scooter
Tampak kanan Bel & Bel Zero-Scooter
tampak kiri Bel & Bel Zero-Scooter
tampak kiri Bel & Bel Zero-Scooter
Speedometer Bel & Bel Zero-Scooter
headlamp LED Speedometer

Speedometer Bel & Bel Zero-Scooter

apa sih Bel and bel Zero Scooter tuh?

ZERO-SCOOTER First Autobalance Scooter

Zero-Scooter is the first self-balancing scooter design inspired by Corradino D’Ascanio. A vision of aesthetics that has endured over time and can also be designing the future.
For electronics and mechanics we will count on the world’s leading brand NineBot®. For this reason Zero-Scooter is the best product in electronic and technologic parts too.

Zero-Scooter is a “conversion kit” and we also offer the possibility to acquire the entire product (NineBot + kit) or just the kit to adapt to your base NineBot model (model integrity and technical features will not be modified as result of the application of this kit. The final consumer retains all rights and officially guaranteed by the provider).
We believe that with this product EVs will get closer to an audience that until now considered these objects away from their reality and it will bring a fresh feel to this retro design piece but with top technology.

spesifkasi Bel & Bel Zero-Scooter, Skuter Listrik Mirip Vespa Berbasis NineBot AutoBalancer

  • Weight : 25kg
  • Reduced : 60cm wide
  • Custom : Infinite colors
  • Fast charging : 3-4 hours
  • Bluetooth App for : Apple & Android
  • Ecological : CO2-Free
  • Certificates : CE, FCC, RoHS
  • Warranty : 2 years
  • Maximum load : 100kg
  • Maximum speed : 20km / h
  • Maximum inclination : 20 °
  • Mileage : 25km-30km
  • Battery : 55V / 450Wh
  • Engine power : 2 * 1350W

Harga Bel & Bel Zero-Scooter Skuter Listrik Mirip Vespa Berbasis NineBot di Barcelona Spanyol cuma  5.950€ (EXW) atau setara Rp87,710 Jutaan saja om, dengan catatan 1 euro setara Rp14.741,93

FounderBel & Bel Zero-Scooter

nah, sudah panjang lebar dan banyak foto, ini lho basisnya Ninebot E+

Ninebot E+ pro-e1
Ninebot E
Ninebot E+ pro-e2

Lastly, ada penggemar vespa yang mau beli? monggo om,, semoga masuk Indonesia nih, bakalan laris manis karena pengguna skuter vespa di Indonesia sangat banyak .. foto : bel & bel, Ninebot

Semoga berguna Gan
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