Harley Davidson lirik segment 250-300 CC, MINI HD di India?


harley, legenda amrrika, baru denger namanya aja udah syerem ( walau tenaganya nggak seserem CCnya 😀 )

pasca kemaren muncul versi 500 dan 750

ternyata eh ternyata, HD pun lirik kelas 250 dan 300, tanya kenapa?

^ blarrr blarrrr 😀

seperti yang ane lirik eh kutip dari motorbeam ( here )

Similarly, the company is considering an entry into the 250-300cc bike segment.

siap nyemplung red ocean 😀


Harley-Davidson will be aiming for heavy localisation for the lower displacement bikes in order to get aggressive with the pricing. The all-new motorcycles will be built involving Indian component makers, using heavy amount of locally sourced parts to control costs. The company is aiming for significant volumes with the entry level bikes that are expected to hit Indian dealerships next year. Harley-Davidson will source the headlamps, tyres, cowls, shock absorbers and similar parts from local vendors.

HD bidik cc rendah untuk akali harga….. semua sepeda motor baru akan dibuat dengan komponen India, bahan lokal untuk tekan biaya….. HD berencana untuk menaikkan volume penjualan dengan HD “paket hemat” yang akan menggebrak pasar India. HD paket hemat dengan sparepart lokal india baik ban, headlamp, cowl, shock breaker dan lain sejenisnya dari Vendor India…

The signature design, engine and gearbox technology of the baby Harley-Davidson bikes will be done by the company experts themselves. According to the company, they don’t have any strategy to develop market-specific motorcycles. They are striving to build a strong customer base in India as the competition is rising. The 250-300cc Harley-Davidson motorcycles will compete head on with Royal Enfield. For the time being, Harley-Davidson is all set to introduce the Street 750 in February at the 2014 Auto Expo. The bike will make its public appearance at India Bike Week in January. The Street 500 will be launched at a later date.

meskipun sparepat india, namun desain, medin dan gearbox tetap dilakukan ahli aka insiyur HD sendiri…… kelas 250-300 akan bersaing head to head VS royal enfild… yang jelas HD masih sedang membangun kkonsumen loyal nan kuat di India…. oh iya, versu HD STREET 740 meluncur pebruari 2014 di auto expo… versi 500 meluncur belakangan

salam 2 piston..

HD : High definiton, but, in this article

HD : Harley Davidson

kapan LIRIK ( minimal lirik ) INDONESIA? 🙁

semoga berguna ya gan


    • lihat saja mesin harley type twincam90
      1800cc v2
      tenaga cuma 90ps
      topspeed 120 mil/jam
      trus yg kecil mau bertenaga berapa ps, yang 1800cc saja lemah sahwat

  1. Dmana2 HD itu yang kenceng suarane tok….. sama motor GL Pro aj sama kencengnya. Tampang N gayae tok sama kayak pemiliknya. AROGAN di jaln raya.. Naek motor sak enak udele dewe, rambu lalin di langar, lampu stopan dterobos, tp itu beraninya kalo dkawal pk polis. kalo sendiri. hehe kayak anak ayam khujanan aka mengkeret….. BIKER CEMEN SEJATi.. MEMALUKAN… mending pake sarung ae cak. sama dtmptq kayak pengantin sunak di arak kmena2 di kawal…

  2. Kenapa pnya moge pake ikut angota klub, kmana2 dkwal pk polis? karna itu aslinya MOTOR MURAH aka BODONG, GK ADA SURAT2 RESMI. belinya lewat titipan pejabat2 KORUP PEMAKAN UANG RAKYAT, gk ad pajak masuk buat negara alias motor murah, makae mereka berlindung dbawah klub. kmna2 dkawal takut di tilang pk polis. gk ada suratnya. MEMALUKAN aka ISIN ISINI CAK.. CEMEN SEJATI…

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