Merasakan Peuyeum Bandung


malam gan,,, dah ga bahas motogp lagi, n artikel kuliner balik maning ( nggak ketubruk motogp, heheheh ) šŸ˜€ 008 (Small)

peuyeum bandung, sebuah oleh-oleh yang dibawa temen ane setelah jalan-jalan dari pulau jakarta mampir bandungā€¦ā€¦.. sudah ane pernah singgung dahulu di

karena ane baru pertamax ini nemu makanan ini, ane sempet salah denger, BAYEM , jiah, mosok dari pulau jakarta oleh-olehnya bayem, jebuleā€¦. PEUYEUM BANDUNG  wkwkkw šŸ˜€

pasca nonton pembuatan oli federal, trus ke ancol, trus ke IIMS, temen ane pulang masih jalan-jalan di bandung,, asekkk, dan bawa itu deh

apa itu peuyeum?

ane cari reff dulu, nyasar ke wikipedia


Peuyeum mangrupa kadaharan tradisional Indonesia, rasana amis lantaran mangrupa hasil fermentasi.[1] Peuyeum dijieun tina bahan baku nu tangtu anu di fermentasi alatan bantuan mikroorganisme Saccharomyces cerivisiae anu ngarobah karbohidrat (fruktosa sarta glukosa) jadi alkohol sarta karbondioksida.[1] Iwal ti Saccharomyces cerivisiae aya mikroorganisme sƩjƩn saperti Mucorchlamidosporus sarta Endomycopsisfibuligeraanu mantuan ngarobah pati jadi gula (glukosa).[1] Bahan peuyeum rupa-rupa gumantung kana kabutuhan, bisa makƩ bƩas ketan atawa sampeu.[1] Peuyeum nu jieun tina bƩas ketan disebutna peuyeum ketan sedengkeun anu dijieun tina sampeu disebutna peuyeum sampeu.[1]

waduw, apa kiyeā€¦..

cari reff lain


nyasar ke bandungreview, ane kutip dulu

ā€œ Peuyeum adalah salah satu makanan tradisional terkenal Bandung yang terbuat dari singkong yang difermentasikan. ā€œ

.peuyeum dipopulerkan oleh warga Desa Bendul, Purwakarta. Mereka mengenalkan peuyeum ketika mengadu nasib di Desa Citatah, Cipatat, Bandung Barat. Sampai akhirnya daerah tersebut terkenal menjadi daerah penghasil dan penjual peuyeum terbesar di Bandung.

owalah, peuyem ituā€¦ terbuat dari singkong yang difermentasikan, sejarahnya ada. 016 (Small)

setelah ane lihat, lahā€¦. dikemas dalam bentuk basket gitu, ane bukak, lah kayak hantu ( apa hayoo )

mak selonjor, owh inin tow namanya peuyem, berbentuk selonjor singkong yang rada kerasā€¦ 006 (Small)

setelah ane coba, lah koq atosss aka kerassss,, tuh sampai patah ā€¦ā€¦. ternyata eh ternyata, makannnya besok gan, katanya ini belum lunak , masih kurang matang katanya..

ok, ane tunggu ane bawa satu lonjor ke kamar kost,. ane tunggu

siang keesokan ā€¦ ane belah seperempat, ane coba pasca makan pagi ( ane sarapan jam 2 sang gan, wkwkw : D)

wah, kayak TAPE SINGKONG yak rasanyaā€¦ā€¦

hari keduak, ane coba lagi seperempatnya.lagi, makin manisss saja nambah hariā€¦ā€¦ā€¦

hari ketiga, hebat yak, masih bisa utuh setengahnya,,, ane coba makin empuk, makin manisss, dan habisss dah,,,,,,


1. sejenis tape singkong

2. terdapat seperti tepung yang menyelebunginya

3. ane kurang tahu proses bikinya

4. karena cuma oleh-ooleh ane kurang tahu harganya

5. semakin hari semakin manis

rasa manis empuk nan enak, apalagi tambah hari, namun karena ane dapet selonjor jadi ane kurang memperdalam ilmu bayem, eh peuyeum iniā€¦ā€¦

yang jelas, yak sejenis tape lah, cuma kalau tape di potong2 nan becek aka basah kalau lama lama, kalau peuyeum padat ga berairā€¦..

kemasanya kalau tape di dalam daun pisang, kalau peuyemu dikemas dalam basket aka keranjangā€¦

ada yang mau kirim ke ane? peuyeum apa makanan khas daerah pemirsa? monggo

^ anak kost dot com šŸ˜†


semoga berguna


  1. Mantep ya? Minumnya kopi item.. Beuuuhhh.. Topmarkotopp.. Kapan2 cobain juga “tarasi bandung” mas, asli bikin merem melek hehehehehehehehe…

  2. buahaha.. mas ipan itu pegang talinya kaya yg jijik.. šŸ˜€
    peuyeum emang banyak di daerah ane.. kebetulan wonk purwakarta.. istimewa loh!
    mantep kan???
    nah.. ada satu lagi olahan nya terbuat dari peuyeum.. yaitu COLENAK!
    hayoo mau nyoba ga mas.. ahaha

    • udah gitu foto berikutnya di taruh lantai tuh peyem bareng ama duit koin dll.. jadi kayak apaaaa gitu ya… ipann…ipannn aya2 wae ente bung…

      but like this lahhh..hehehe

      @ bark, ane dicikampek bro.. sering maen ke purwakarta kalo malem minggu.. purwakarta memang istimewa broo…

  3. Podo karo tape iku pan, lek kepingin tape sing gak jemek tapi legi kranchi, onok jenenge tape bondowoso, rasane muaknyusss, aku wez tau mangan peuyeum & tape bondowoso, prasaku sik enak tape bondowoso.. Cuman lek di gawe es tape utowo wedang tape sek enakan tape biasa (sing jaremu jemek iku) tape bondowoso enake lek di emplok langsung cemplusshh.. Enyaakkkkk.. Cuukkk poleh kepingin aku.. šŸ˜€

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  5. tuh keranjangx kecil Pan, touring ke bondowoso, ntar aq bawain tape sekeranjang besar buat oleh2….
    dijamin ketagihan dah……

  6. The auto repair environment is stacked against the consumer since the power, which takes the form of knowledge, is in the hands of the repair shop. Many customers confound this situation by making mistakes when they drop their vehicles off for repair. Here are five errors that you should avoid. Self diagnosis When your vehicle is in need of repair the worst approach is to offer theories about the problem. You should not be suggesting to the shop what you think is the source of the failure regardless of what your neighbor, brother-in-law or barber has told you. This is what you are paying the experts to do. Once the shop offers their plan for the fix, it assumes ownership of that repair strategy whether it works or not.Many companies offer free scanning in order to disclose why a check engine light is on. It is not good to request a certain repair procedure based on someone else’s diagnostic interpretation of the results of a scan. That information needs to be evaluated by a knowledgeable professional since it is really only the beginning of the repair tract needed to fix the car.

  7. Last year, her foot was amputated after it was crushed under a car she was rebuilding. Stephens took it in stride by fashioning a prosthesis out of some old Lego blocks she had lying around her basement. Stephens, an occupational therapist and clinical researcher, said she decided to build the toy leg after a co-worker jokingly proposed the idea. While others would have laughed off the suggestion, Stephens said, ā€œChallenge accepted.ā€ā€œI liked the idea, because I am very comfortable with my body and like encouraging others to be more comfortable with theirs,ā€ she said.

  8. From a distance, the Raptor looks like the standard F150 in a 4X4 version, but when you get closer, it’s readily apparent that this 4-wheeler sets higher off the ground and sports bigger tires than the standard truck. The F150 SVT Raptor, with “FORD” emblazoned in big letters across the blacked out grill, has no chrome, and very little other embellishments, besides a little splash of color graphics and “RAPTOR” in bold lettering on its bed. All it takes is one look at this super truck, and you’ll know it has been built for some serious off-roading. You can opt for a no-frills, plain-Jane interior, or, for the gentleman desert racer, a full array of creature comforts.

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